Sarah for Santa Fe

Sarah Boses
for Santa Fe Public Schools Board of Education, District 2

About Sarah

I was born and raised in Santa Fe by two parents who were both hard working small business owners. I'm a proud graduate of Santa Fe High and received my Bachelor's Degree in Nursing from New Mexico State. I'm the mother of four kids, three of whom attend Santa Fe Public Schools. My oldest daughter recently started a PhD program at UNM. I've served on the SFPS Board of Education since January 2020 and am currently the Board President.

Sarah's Priorities

  • I continue to be committed to comprehensive health and wellness for students and staff.

  • Safety and security, connection, support, and lack of hunger are all key to fostering environments for learning to happen.

  • Equitable grading and high quality instruction are underway.

  • We must continue to collaborate with our staff, in large part via NEA-SF, our students, and our community partners to guarantee continuous improvement for the thing we all want - opportunities for our kids to have meaningful lives.

Wait... what?

I'm not fundraising because my personal belief is that campaign donations have no place in public office. People don't need to donate to have their voices heard nor should they think their voices have more power or influence because they donate. I believe people should keep their money for their basic needs (or for fun!) not use it for elections.
I don't begrudge those who fundraise - I know that's the system we live in - I just refuse to do it.

Bring me your ideas, not your money

If you support me, please talk to your friends in our district and share with them your experience of me.

The most important thing is for me to hear ideas about how best to represent our community.

Dream Big

The future is what we make of it - together: amplifying voices that are not represented often enough, finding innovative paths to move us into a more equitable future, and engaging the community to ensure a safe and quality education for all.

love to learn pencil signage on wall near walking man
love to learn pencil signage on wall near walking man
How Do we get there?

Working Together for the Greater Good

Discover how I strive for collaboration and holistic solutions in the work we do on the board and in the district with families, students, teachers and staff, as well as community partners and stakeholders.

person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug
person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug
And let's not forget

Dedicated to Education and Equity

One of the most poignant realizations I had during the onset of covid was that it was really going to take a village to get things back on track. Decades of public education being underfunded nationwide left schools on fragile ground. That “village” in Santa Fe has really risen to the occasion, so to speak, as we also quickly came to understand how critical schools are to the functioning of our society. SFPS is working collaboratively with city, county, and state government as well as a large number of local businesses and stakeholders to provide holistic solutions for a multitude of issues in our community. Because the cost of living, particularly the cost of housing, is so exorbitant in Santa Fe, we sought to find creative ways to keep more money in the pockets of both employees and families. For SFPS staff, that includes starting the Early Childhood Center where teachers and staff pay a small fraction of traditional childcare costs for their young children to receive high quality childcare ($150-250 per month). It also includes the Boards’ ongoing commitment to cover the cost of increased health insurance premiums. For the past two summers, we’ve provided free summer programming for SFPS students which is an incredible savings for families who would otherwise normally pay around $1000-1500 per month per child for summer camps. These camps emphasize learning in a fun environment and reached nearly ⅓ of our student population this year.

We know a lot of what’s been done in education isn’t working. The world is a very different place than it was 30 years ago and we are required to respond and adapt to the changes taking place. I am willing to do the work to make schools safe, engaging, relevant, equitable and inspiring places for the children in our community. Some of the many ways we’ve already started to address these issues include the student internship program, career pathways, standards based learning, social emotional learning days, upgraded HVAC systems (for cleaner indoor air), and safety patrol robot pilot program at Santa Fe High. The board recently passed a robust student engagement resolution to ensure students have a clear path to bring their voices to the board to inform decision making in the future.